IMCS/Publications/CSJM/Issues/CSJM v.13, n.1 (37), 2005/

On a k-clique-join of a class of partitionable graphs

Authors: Mihai Talmaciu
Keywords: Perfect graphs, (α, ω)-partitionable graphs, [p,q,r]-partite graphs, k-clique-join.


We call a graph G O-graph if there is an optimal coloring of the set of vertices and an optimal (disjoint) covering with cliques such that any class of colors intersects any clique. In this paper, it has been established the relation to [p,q,r]-partite graphs and the fact that the O-graphs admit a k-clique-join.

M. Talmaciu
Department of Mathematics, University of Bacau,
Spiru Haret, 8, 600114, Bacau, Romania


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