IMI/Publicaţii/QRS/Ediţii/QRS v.12, n.1 (12), 2004/

Necessary and sufficient conditions for the continuity of a pre-Haar system at a unit with singleton orbit

Authors: M. R. Buneci


For developing an algebraic theory of functions on a locally compact groupoid, one needs an analogue of Haar measure on locally compact groups. This analogue is a system of measures, called Haar system, subject to suitable invariance and smoothness conditions called respectively “left invariance” and “continuity”. Unlike the case of locally compact group, Haar system on groupoid need not exists.

M. R. Buneci
University Constantin Brâncuși of Târgu-Jiu,
Bulevardul Republicii Nr. 1,
210152 Târgu-Jiu , Gorj,


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