IMI/Publicaţii/QRS/Ediţii/QRS v.12, n.1 (12), 2004/

Extending sloops of cardinality 16 to SQS-skeins with all possible congruence lattices

Authors: M. H. Armanious, E. M. A. Elzayat


It is well known that each STS(15) with a sub-STS(7) is derived [11]. In this article, we will improve this result by showing that each non-simple sloop L of cardinality 16 with any possible congruence lattice C(L) can be extended to a non-simple SQS-skein S of cardinality 16 with all possible congruence lattices for C(S). Accordingly, we may say that any triple system STS(15) with m sub-STS(7)s is a derived triple system from an SQS(16) having n sub-SQS(8)s for all possible non-zero numbers of m and n.

M. H. Armanious,
E. M. A. Elzayat
Department of Mathematics,
Faculty of Science Revised May 17, 2004,
Mansoura University,


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