
Laboratory "Algebra and Topology"

Research domains


Monographs and books

  1. Belyavskaya G. Квазигруппы: тождества с подстановками, линейность и ядра. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing. 2013. стр. 80.
  2. Арнаутов В. И., Ермакова Г. Н. Введение в теорию топологических групп. Кишинев. Universitatea de Stat din Tiraspol. 2013.- 215 p.
  3. M. Raţiu, Algebre iterative lanţiale de funcţii pseudo-booleene trivalente, Iaşi: Editura Alexandru Myller, 2010, 276 p.
  4. В. Арнаутов, Н. Малютина, Общая топология. Textbooks and Monographs, Moldova State University, Center for Education and Research in Mathematics and Computer Science (CERIM-1006.06, MRDA/CRDF) Ch.: CEP USM, 2010, 108 p.
  5. В. Арнаутов, Г. Ермакова, Кардинальные и трансфинитные числа. Серия учебники и монографии, Том 9, Universitatea de Stat din Moldova Centrul de educaţie şi Cercetare în Matematică şi Informatică al USM (CECMI USM) - Ch.: CEP USM, 2010, 76p.
  6. A. Caşu, I. Goian, P. Sârbu, Sisteme numerice, Centrul Editorial al USM, Chişinău, 2008.
  7. M. Raţă, Inexistenţa algoritmilor de recunoaştere a expresibilităţii sintactice în calcule logice, Piteşti, România, The Flower power. 2004.
  8. В. Андрунакиевич, Ю. Рябухин. Радикалы алгебр и структурная теория, Москва, Наука, 1973.
  9. V. Arnautov, S. Glavatky, A. Mikhalev, Introduction to the theory of topological rings and modules, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York - Basel - Hong Kong, 1996.
  10. V. Arnautov, The theory of radicals of topological rings, Mathematica Japonica, 1998, Vol. 47, No.3, p. 439 – 544.
  11. В. Белоусов, Основы теории квазигрупп и луп, Москва, Наука, 1967.
  12. В. Белоусов, Алгебраические сети и квазигруппы, Кишинёв, Штиинца, 1971.
  13. В. Белоусов, Конфигурации в алгебраических сетях, Кишинёв, Штиинца, 1979.
  14. G.B. Belyavskaya, r-Orthogonal latin squares. Chapter 6 in the collection “Latin squares: New Developments in the Theory and Applications”. Annals of Discrete Mathematics, V.46, 1991, North-Holland-Amsterdam-New-York –Oxford-Tokyo, p.169-202.
  15. A. Caşu, Introducere în teoria modulelor, Centrul Editorial al USM, Chişinău, 2003.
  16. A. Кашу, Радикалы и кручения в модулях, Кишинёв, Штиинца, 1983.
  17. A. Кашу, Функторы и кручения в категориях модулей, Кишинёв, Академия Наук РМ, Институт математики, 1997.
  18. M. Раца, Итеративные цепные классы псевдобулевых функций, Кишинёв, Штиинца, 1990.
  19. M. Раца, Выразимость в вычислениях высказываний, Кишинёв, Штиинца, 1991.
  20. М. Урсул, Компактные кольца и их обобщения, Кишинёв, Штиинца, 1991.


  1. Kashu A. I. Closure operators in the categories of modules. Part I ( Weakly hereditary and idempotent operators ). Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, vol.15 (2013), № 2, pp.213-228. Part II Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, vol.16 (2013), № 1, pp.81-95.
  2. Izbash V. Commuting polinomials in the medial quasigroups. Proceedings of The 37th Anual Congress of the American Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences (ARA). The university of Euopean Political and Economic Studies "Constantin Stere", June 04-09, 2013: Presses internationales Polytechnique, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Proceedings. - Chişinău. 2013, pp. 463-466.
  3. Izbash O. Applying of predicates for settlement of model completeness in the 3-valued extension of provability-intuitionistic logic. Proceedings of The 37th Anual Congress of the American Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences (ARA). The university of Euopean Political and Economic Studies "Constantin Stere", June 04-09, 2013: Presses internationales Polytechnique, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Proceedings.-Chişinău. 2013, pp. 467-470.
  4. Berezin A. N., Moldovyan N. A., Scerbacov V. A. Cryptoschemes Based on Difficulty of Simultaneous Solving Two Different Difficult Problems, CSJM v.21, n.2 (62) (2013) 280-290.
  5. Arnautov V.I.; Ermakova G.N. On the number of group topologies on countable groups. Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a Republicii Moldova. Matematica, № 2 (72), 2013, p. 3-12
  6. Drapal A., Shcherbacov V. A. Identities and the group of isostrophisms. Comment. Math. Univ. Carolin. 2012, 53(3), 347-374.
  7. Arnautov V. I. Tmethod of construction of topologies on any finite set. Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a Republicii Moldova, Matematica, 2012, № 2 ( 69 ).
  8. Belyavskaya G. Recursively r-differentiable quasigroups within S-systems and MDS-codes. Quasigroups and Related Systems, vol. 20, no. 2, 2012.
  9. Zamorzaeva E. A. Isohedral on Riemann surfaces of genus 2. Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a Republicii Moldova, Matematica, 2012, № 2 ( 69 ).
  10. Raţiu M. Method of the formula realization of algebras and its application in mathematical logic. Proceedings of The 36th Anual Congress of the American Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences (ARA). Learing Without Frontiers. Giola del Colle - Bari, Italia, May 30th - June 2nd, 2012. Presses internationales Polytechnique, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 2012, pp. 137-140.
  11. Kuznetsov E. Transversals in loops.2.Structural theorems. Quasigroups and related systems, 2011, 19, No. 2 , 279-286.
  12. Popa V. On LCA groups whose rings of continuous endomorphisms have at most two non-trivial closed ideals. I, Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a Republicii Moldova, Matematica, 2011, nr. 3(67), 91-107.
  13. V. Arnautov, Estimation of the number of one-point expansion of a topology is given on a finite set. Buletinul A.Ş.R.M. Matematica, 2011, nr. 2(66), p. 17-22, ISSN 1024-7696.
  14. A. Kashu, On some operations in the lattice of submodules determined by preradicals. Buletinul A.Ş.R.M. Matematica, 2011, nr. 2 (64), p. 5–16.
  15. G. B. Belyavskaya, V. I. Izbash, A. Moldovyan, V. A. Shcherbacov, Digital signature and secret-sharing schemes. Conf. "Cercetarea şi inovarea оn parteneriat cu mediul de afaceri", Chişinău, XI, 2011.
  16. G. B. Belyavskaya, T. Popovich, Тотально парастрофно ортогональные квазигруппы и полные графы. Фундаментальная и прикладная математика, Москва, 2010.
  17. O. Izbaş, O serie infinită de clase modelar pre-complete în logica demonstraţional intuiţionistă. In: The 34th Annual Congress, American Ramanian Academy of Arts and Sciences (ARA), May 18th-23rd, Bucharest, Ramania, 2010, Proceedings. Sci. Ed.: Frunzeti T., Hanganu M. – Presses Internationales Polytechnique, Montréal, Québec, 2010, p. 571-574.
  18. A. Kashu, Preradicals and characteristic submodules: connections and operations. Algebra and discrete mathematics, 2010, vol. 9, nr. 2, p. 59-75.
  19. V. A. Shcherbacov, D. I. Pushkashu, On the structure of finite paramedial quasigroups. Comment. Math. Univ. Carolin, 2010, 51(2), p. 357-370.
  20. V. Shcherbacov, On the structure of left and right F-, SM-, and E-quasigroups. În: Journal of Generalized Lie Theory and Applications, 2009, vol. 3, No. 3, p. 197--259.
  21. Ю. М. Рябухин, Структурная теория и теория радикалов – фундаментальные исследования. В книге: "Academicianul Vladimir Andrunachievici", AŞM, IMI, Chişinău, 2009, p. 149 – 177.
  22. M. Raţă, Algebre iterative lanţiale de funcţii pseudo-booleene 3-valente. In: Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Congress of the American Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences (ARA), 2009, Vol. 2, Polytechnic International Press, Montreal, Quebec, p. 321-323
  23. V. Shcherbacov, On the structure of left and right F-, SM-, and E-quasigroups. În: Journal of Generalized Lie Theory and Applications, 2009, Vol. 3, No. 3, p. 197--259.
  24. V. I. Arnautov, About group topologies of the primary Abelian groups of finite period, which coincide on a subgroup and on a factor group. In: Buletinul A.Ş.M., Matematica, 2009, No.2 (60), p.12-28.
  25. A.I., Kashu, On preradicals associated to principal functors of module categories , I . In: Buletinul A.Ş.M., Matematica, 2009, № 2 ( 60 ), p. 62 – 72 .
  26. G.B. Belyavskaya, Ассоцианты и коммутант квазигруппы. Фундаментальная. и прикладная математика, Москва, 1997, т.3, вып.3, с. 715-737.
  27. G.B. Belyavskaya, Associators, commutators and linearity of a quasigroup. Discrete mathematics and Applications, 1996, v.5, №6, p.577-586.
  28. G.B. Belyavskaya, V.I. Izbash, G.L. Mullen , Check character systems using quasigroups:I. Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 37, 2005, pp. 215-227.
  29. G.B. Belyavskaya, Gary L. Mullen, Strongly orthogonal and uniformly orthogonal many-placed operations. Algebra and Discrete , Mathematics , Ukraine, N1, 2006, p. 1-17.
  30. Izbash V., Syrbu P. On recursively differentiable binary quasigroups. Proceedings of 11-th Conf. on Applied and Industrial Mathematics. Romania, Oradea, CAIM 2003, v. 1, pp. 149-152.
  31. Baltag V., Izbaş V. Olimpiade matematice. Ministerul educaţiei Al Republicii Moldova, Consiliul olimpic de matematică, Institutul de matematică şi Informatică al AŞM, Chişinău 2003
  32. Izbash V., Syrbu P. Recursively differentiable quasigroups and complete recursive codes. Comment. Math. Univ. Carolinae 45, 2 (2004) 257-263.
  33. Izbash V. On automorphisms of the Cartesian square of a groupoid. Quasigroups and Related Systems 5(1998), 99-106.
  34. Izbash V., Labo N. Crossed-inverse-property groupoids, Buletinul ASM. Matematica. Number 2(54), 2007, Pages 101-106.
  35. E. Kuznetsov. A loop transversal in a sharply 2-transitive permutation loop. Bulletin of the Acad. of Sci. of Moldova, Mathematics, #3(49), 2005, p. 101-114.
  36. E. Kuznetsov. Gyrogroups and left gyrogroups as transversals of a special kind. Algebra and Discrete Math., #3, 2003, p. 54-81.
  37. E. Kuznetsov. Transversals in groups. 4. Derivation construction. Quasigroups and related systems, 9(2002), p. 67-84.
  38. E. Kuznetsov. Incidence systems over groups that can be supplemented up to projective planes. Quasigroups and related systems, 5(1998), p. 35-52.
  39. E. Kuznetsov. About some algebraic systems related with projective planes. Quasigroups and related systems, 2(1995), №1, p. 6-33.
  40. V. Shcherbacov, V. Izbash. On quasigroups with Moufang identity. Buletinul AS RM. Matematica. No 2, 1998, p. 109-116.
  41. G. L. Mullen, V.A. Shcherbacov, Properties of codes with one check symbol from a quasigroup point of view, Izvestiya AN RM. Matematica. No 3, 2002, p. 71-86.
  42. A.D. Keedwell, V.A. Shcherbacov, Construction and properties of (r,s,t)-inverse quasigroups. I, Discrete Math., V. 266, No. 1-3, 2003, p. 275-291.
  43. V. A. Shcherbacov, On simple n-ary medial quasigroups, Proceedings of Conference "Computational Commutative and Non-Commutative Algebraic Geometry", NATO Science Series: Computer and Systems Sciences, Edited by S. Cojocaru, G. Pfister and V. Ufnarovski, IOS Press, V. 196, 2005, p. 305--324.
  44. G.L. Mullen, V.A. Shcherbacov, On orthogonality of binary operations and squares, Buletinul AŞ RM. Matematica. No 2(48), 2005, p. 3-42.
  45. V. A. Shcherbacov, On Bruck-Belousov problem, Buletinul AŞ RM. Matematica. No 3(49), 2005, p. 123-140.
  46. V.A. Shcherbacov, On the structure of left and right F-, SM- and E-quasigroups, arXiv:0811.1725, 67 pages.
  47. V. Arnautov, K. Filippov, On disjoint sums in the lattice of linear topologies, Фундаментальная и Прикладная математика, т. 9, No 1, с. 3-18, Москва, 2003.
  48. V. Arnautov, On overnilpotent radicals of topological rings, Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţei a Republicii Moldova, Matematica, v. 1(44), 2004, p. 3 -- 14.
  49. V. Arnautov, Properties of one-sided ideals of topological rings, Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a Republicii Moldova, Matematica, 2006, v. 1(50), p.3-14.
  50. V. Arnautov, О накрытиях в решетке всех групповых топологий произвольной абелевой группе, Сиб. Мат. Журн., 2006, т.47, № 5, 961-973.
  51. V.Arnautov, Quotient rings of pseudonormed rings, Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a Republicii Moldova, Matematica, 2006, v. 2(51), p.3-16.
  52. V. Arnautov, Properties of accessible subrings of topological rings when taking quotien rings, Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a Republicii Moldova, Matematica, 2007, v. 2(54), p.4-18.
  53. A. Kashu, On equivalence of some subcategories of modules in Morita contexts. Algebra and Discrete Mathematics. N 3, 2003, p. 46 – 53.
  54. A. Kashu, On natural classes of R-modules, Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a Republicii Moldova, Matematica, 2004, v. 2(45), p.95-101.
  55. A. Caşu, Natural classes and torsion free classes in categories of modules, Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a Republicii Moldova, Matematica, 2006, v. 3(52), p.45-50.
  56. A. Caşu, On natural and conatural sets of left ideals of a ring, Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a Republicii Moldova, Matematica, 2007, v. 2(54), p.25-32.
  57. V. Popa, On endomorphism rings without nonzero nilpotent elements. I, Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a Republicii Moldova, Matematica, 1998, 3(28), 35-48.
  58. V. Popa, On endomorphism rings without nonzero nilpotent elements. II, Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a Republicii Moldova, Matematica, 1999, 2(30), 91-104.
  59. V. Popa, On the connected component of a homomorphism group, Mathematica, Editions de l’Academie Roumaine, Cluj-Napoca, 1999, Tome 41(64), nr. 1, 69-83.
  60. V. Popa, On LCA groups with compact rings of continuous endomorphisms, Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a Republicii Moldova, Matematica, 2000, 1(32), 17-32.
  61. V. Popa, On topological torsion LCA groups with commutative ring of continuous endomorphisms, Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a Republicii Moldova, Matematica, 2006, v. 3(52), p.29-42.
  62. V. Popa, On LCA groups in which some closed subgroups have commutative rings of continuous endomorphisms, Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a Republicii Moldova, Matematica, 2007, v. 1(53), p.83-94.
  63. V. Popa, On torsionfree LCA groups with commutative rings of continuous endomorphisms, Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a Republicii Moldova, Matematica, 2007, v. 2(54), p.81-100.
  64. B.Afanasov, I.Gutul. Suprafeţe total geodezice cu simetrie bogată şi 3-varietăţi închise cu poliedru fundamental comun. Topology'90, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin-New York, 1991, p.37-53 (în limba engleză).
  65. O.Delgado, D.Huson, E.Zamorzaeva, Clasificarea descompunerilor 2-izoedrice ale planului. Geometriae Dedicata, vol.42, no.1, 1992, p.43-117 (in limba engleza).
  66. И. Гуцул, О некоторых четырехмерных гиперболических многообразиях, International Seminar on Discrete Geometry dedicated to the 75 birth day of professor A.M. Zamorzaev, Chişinău, 2002, p. 35-40.
  67. I. Guţul, Some hyperbolic manifolds, Buletinul de Ştiinţe a Republicii Moldova, Matematica, 2004, №3, p. 63-71.
  68. M. Ursul, Locally finite and locally projectively nilpotent ideals in topological rings, Matematiceskii Sbornik (N.S.) 125(167) (1984), p. 291-305
  69. M. Ursul, Compact nilrings, Matematiceskie Zametki, 36(6) (1984), p.839-845
  70. M. Ursul, On product of hereditarily lineary compact rings, Uspehi Matematiceskih Nauk, 36(3) (1980), p. 230-233
  71. M. Ursul, I. Florea, F-quasigroups with the property of invertibility (IPF-quasigroups), Voprosy Teorii Kvasigrupp i Lup. Kishinev. RIO AN MSSR, 1970, p. 145-146