IMCS/Publications/CSJM/Issues/CSJM v.21, n.2 (62), 2013/

Computing the Pareto-Nash equilibrium set in finite multi-objective mixed-strategy games

Authors: Victoria Lozan, Valeriu Ungureanu
Keywords: Noncooperative game, finite mixed-strategy game, multi-objective game, graph of best response mapping, intersection, Pareto-Nash equilibrium, set of Pareto-Nash equilibria.


The Pareto-Nash equilibrium set (PNES) is described as intersection of graphs of efficient response mappings. The problem of PNES computing in finite multi-objective mixed-strategy games (Pareto-Nash games) is considered. A method for PNES computing is studied.

State University of Moldova
A. Mateevici str., 60, Chişinău,
MD-2009, Republic of Moldova
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