IMCS/Publications/CSJM/Issues/CSJM v.12, n.1 (34), 2004/

Deductive databases and P systems

Authors: Miguel A. Gutierrez-Naranjo, Rogojin Vladimir
Keywords: Artificial intelligence, Deductive databases, P systems, membrane systems, backwards chaining, inferential deductive process.


In computational processes based on backwards chaining, a rule of the type is seen as a procedure which points that the problem can be split into the problems . In classical devices, the subproblems are solved sequentially. In this paper we present some questions that circulated during the Second Brainstorming Week related to the application of the parallelism of P systems to computation based on backwards chaining on the example of inferential deductive process.

Miguel A. Gutierrez-Naranjo, Vladimir Rogozhin
Miguel A. Gutierrez-Naranjo
Dpto. de Ciencias de la Computacion e Inteligencia Artificial
E.T.S. Ingenieria Informatica. Universidad de Sevilla
Avda. Reina Mercedes s/n, 41012, Sevilla, Espana
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Vladimir Rogozhin
The State University of Moldova
60 Mateevich str., MD-2009
Chisinau, Moldova
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