IMCS/Publications/CSJM/Issues/CSJM v.1, n.3 (3), 1993/

On link diameter of a simple rectilinear polygon

Authors: V. Chepoi, F. Dragan


The rectilinear link distance between two points inside a simple rectilinear polygon P is defined to be the minimum number of edges of a path consisting of axis-parallel segments lying inside P. The link diameter of P is the maximum link distance between two points of P. We present an O(n) time algorithm for computing the link diameter of a simple rectilinear polygon P, where n is the number of vertices of P. This improves the previous O(nlogn) time algorithm.

Victor Chepoi, Feodor Dragan
Moldavian University,
A.Mateevici str. 60,
Department of Mathematics and Cybernetics,
Kishinev, 277009, Moldova
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