IMCS/Publications/BASM/Issues/BASM n3(100), 2022/

Poisson Stable Motions and Global Attractors of Symmetric Monotone Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems

Authors: David Cheban
Keywords: Poisson stable motions, compact global attractor, monotone nonautonomous dynamical systems, translation-invariant dynamical systems


This paper is dedicated to the study of the problem of existence of Poisson stable (Bohr/Levitan almost periodic, almost automorphic, almost recurrent, recurrent, pseudo-periodic, pseudo-recurrent and Poisson stable) motions of symmetric monotone non-autonomous dynamical systems (NDS). It is proved that every precompact motion of such system is asymptotically Poisson stable. We give also the description of the structure of compact global attractor for monotone NDS with symmetry. We establish the main results in the framework of general non-autonomous (cocycle) dynamical systems. We apply our general results to the study of the problem of existence of different classes of Poisson stable solutions and global attractors for a chemical reaction network and nonautonomous translation-invariant difference equations.

State University of Moldova
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Laboratory "Fundamental and Applied
A. Mateevich Street 60
MD{2009 Chisinau, Moldova



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