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Lucrări publicate:

  1. RATANOV, N., KOLESNIK, A. Telegraph processes and option pricing. Second edition. Springer,.2022, 420pp. ISBN 978-3-662-65826-0.
  2. CAPCELEA, M., CAPCELEA, T. Aproximarea funcțiilor continue pe porțiuni. CEP USM, Chișinău, 2022, 110pp. ISBN 978-9975-159-86-9.
  3. ȘEREMET, V., CREȚU I. Thermoelastic influence functions, caused by a unitary point heat source, applied in a quarter of layer, Transylvanian. Journal of Mathematics and Mechanics, 34-42, 3(15),2022 .ISSN:2067-239X
  4. LAZARI, A.Asymptotic behavior of Homogeneous linear recurrent processes and their perturbations., Buletinul AŞM, ser. Matematica., Nr. 2, p. 103-124, 2022 ISSN 1024-7696., Cat. A.
  5. CAPCELEA, M.; CAPCELEA, T. B-spline approximation of discontinuous functions defined on a closed contour in the complex plane. Buletinul AŞM, ser. Matematica., Nr.2. p.90-102, 2022, ISSN 1024-7696., Cazt A.
  6. LOZOVANU, D., Pickl, S. Equilibria in pure strategies for a two-player zero-sum average stochastic positional game. Buletinul AŞM, ser. Matematica., Nr.1, p.75-82, 2022, ISSN 1024-7696., Cat. A.
  7. SECRIERU G. Analysis of the influence of accommodation on the formation of real gas flows (in Russian). Proceedings of the 14th International scientific and practical conference “Modern scientific research: achievements, innovations and development prospects”. Berlin, Germany, 17-19.07.2022, ISBN 978-3-95475303-1, pp. 199-205. URL.
  8. SECRIERU G. Analysis of the influence of accommodation on the formation of real gas flows (in Russian). Proceedings of the 14th International scientific and practical conference “Modern scientific research: achievements, innovations and development prospects”. Berlin, Germany, 17-19.07.2022, ISBN 978-3-95475303-1, pp. 199-205. URL.
  9. Mitev L. Aspecte aplicative ale modelelor de așteptare în sistemele informatice avansate. Abstracts of international conference ”Universities European: Towards a Knowledge-based Society Though Europeanisation and Globalization”, Chişinău, ULIM, 17 octombrie p 38, 2022.
  10. A. COLESNICOV, L. MALAHOV, S. COJOCARU, L. BURTSEVA. Digitization technology of old romanian documents printed in the cyrillic script. in: Horizons in Computer Science Research, vol. 21, chapter 6, (ed. Thomas s. clary), Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2022, pag. 185-218. ISBN: 978-1-68507-684-9 (ebook), ISSN: 2159-2012
  11. I. TITCHIEV, S. COJOCARU, C. GAINDRIC(Eds.) Proceedings of Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems WIIS2022, October 06-08, 2022 Chisinau, 150 ex.ISBN 978-9975-68-461-3.
  12. S. COJOCARU, C. GAINDRIC, I. TIȚCHIEV, T. VERLAN, Intelligent information systems for solving weakly-structured problems, processing knowledge and big data, Vladimir Andrunachievici Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science. 150 ex. ISBN 978-9975-68-462-0.
  13. ALHAZOV, A.; FREUND, R.; IVANOV, S.; VERLAN, S.Variants of Derivation Modes for which Catalytic P systems with One Catalyst Are Computationally Complete.Journal of Membrane Computing 3(4), Springer, 233–245, 2021. Open access.https ://
  14. ALHAZOV, A.; FREUND, R.; IVANOV, S.; VERLAN, S.Tissue P Systems with Vesicles of Multisets. International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, Vol. 33, No. 03n04, 2022, 179-202.
  15. ALHAZOV, A.; FREUND, R.; IVANOV, S.; VERLAN, S.Regulated Insertion-Deletion Systems.Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics 27, 1-3, 2022, 15-45.
  16. ALHAZOV, A.; FREUND, R.; IVANOV, S.P versus B: P Systems as a Formal Framework for Controllability of Boolean Networks.Non-Classical Models of Automata and Applications, Debrecen, NCMA 2022, Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science 367, 2022, 28-48. Open Access.
  17. ALHAZOV, A.; LEPORATI, A.; MANZONI, L.; MAURI, G.; ZANDRON, C. Evaluating Space Measures in P Systems. Journal of Membrane Computing, 2022, 1-10. Open Access.
  18. TITCHIEV, I. Petri nets for e-learning. Case study. In: Acta et commentationes (Ştiinţe Exacte și ale Naturii). Revistă Științifică, Vol 12 No 2 (2021), pp. 104-110, Chișinău, 2021, ISSN 2537-6284, Categoria B Published January 10, 2022
  19. TITCHIEV, I. GAINDRIC, C. Some approaches and solutions in decisions making for processing ill-structured data and knowledge, ROMAI Journal, vol 17, no 1, pp.137-149, 2021, ISSN(P) 18415512, ISSN(E) 2065-7714
  20. ȚIȚCHIEV, I.; IAMANDI, V. ”Analiza caracteristicilor sistemelor de management al învățării”, revista Akademos Nr. 3 (62), 2021, 113-119. ISSN 1857-0461
  21. P.BOGATENCOV , E-infrastructure and services for research and education support” in “European Integration through the straightening of education, research, innovations in Eastern Partnership Countries”
  22. COLESNICOV A., MALAHOV L., COJOCARU S., BURTSEVA L., BUMBU T. Development of a platform for heterogeneous document recognition using convergent technology. In: Proceedings of Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems WIIS2022, October 06-08, 2022, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova (eds. I.Țițchiev, S.Cojocaru, C.Gaindric), pp. 104-107.
  23. PARAHONCO A., PETIC M. E-learning content processing situations and their solutions, Proceedings of the Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems WIIS2022, October 06-08, 2022, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, 154 – 159. ISBN 978-9975-68-461-3
  24. PARAHONCO A., PETIC M. How to create an adaptive e-learning system, The 17th Edition of the International Conference on Linguistic Resources and tools for natural language processing and the 2nd DeLORo Workshop, 10-12 November 2022, Chișinău
  25. C. GAINDRIC, G. MAGARIU, T. VERLAN, Data in the technologies of modern society, Proceedings of Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems WIIS2022, October 0608, 2022
  26. I.SECRIERU, C. GAINDRIC, E. GUȚULEAC, O.POPCOVA, T. BUMBU, Formalization of decision knowledge and reasoning for casualty prioritizing, Proceedings of Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems WIIS2022, October 06-08, 2022, Chisinau Republic of Moldova, pp.160-166, ISBN 978-9975-68-461-3
  27. V.ALBU,The Universe as a Universal Quantum Computer: A Road Map for Its Possible Architecture, Proceedings of the Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems WIIS2022, October 06-08, 2022, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, 14 – 43, ISBN 978-9975-68-461-3
  28. P. BOGATENCOV, G. SECRIERU, R.BUZATU,N.DEGTEARIOV, Distributed computing infrastructure for complex applications development, Proceedings of the 12Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems WIIS2022, October 06-08, 2022, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, 55 – 65, ISBN 978-9975-68-461-3
  29. O. CAFTANATOV, T. BUMBU,Tools for Triaging in Mass Casualty Incidents, Proceedings of the Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems WIIS2022, October 06-08, 2022, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, 79 – 88, ISBN 978-9975-68-461-3
  30. O. CAFTANATOV, I. TITCHIEV, V. IAMANDI, D. TALAMBUTA, D. CAGANOVSCHI, Developing augmented artifacts based on learning style approach, Proceedings of the Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems WIIS2022, October 06-08, 2022, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, 89 – 103, ISBN 978-9975-68-461-3
  31. V.SHCHERBACOV, V. DEMIDOVA, P. RADILOV, Simple Stein medial quasigroups, Proceedings of the Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems WIIS2022, October 06-08, 2022, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, 154 – 159. ISBN 978-9975-68-461-3
  32. ȚIȚCHIEV, I. ”Femei cu activități în domeniul matematicii și informaticii”, Conferința Patrimoniul cultural de ieri, Iași-Chișinău, 22 februarie 2022. p 116.
  33. POPA, M. N., PRICOP, V. The Center and Focus Problem: Algebraic Solutions and Hypoteheses. Ed. Taylor&Frances Group, 2022, 215 p..
  34. BUJAC, C., SCHLOMIUK, D., VULPE, N. On Families QSL≥2 of Quadratic Systems with Invariant Lines of Total Multiplicity At Least 2. In: Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems (2022) 21:133, 1-68. (Impact Factor 1,42)
  35. ȘUBĂ, A. Center problem for cubic differential systems with the line at infinity of multiplicity four. In: Carpathian. J. Math., 2022, vol. 38, no. 1, 217--222. Print Edition: ISSN 1584-2851; Online Edition: 1843-4401. (Impact Factor 1.36)
  36. MOTA, M. C., REZENDE, A. C., SCHLOMIUK, D., VULPE, N. Geometric analysis of quadratic differential systems with invariant ellipses. In: Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis. Volume 59, No. 2A, 2022, 623—685. 10.12775/TMNA.2021.063 (Impact Factor 0,87)
  37. DOVBUSH, P. V. On normal families in Cn . In: Complex Var. Elliptic Equ. 67(1), 1-8 (2022). (Impact Factor 0.81)
  38. DOVBUSH, P. V. On a Normality Criterion of P. Lappan. In: Revue Roumaine de Mathémtiques Pures et Appliqué. LXVII(1‐2), 45‐49, (2022)
  39. POPA, M. N., NEAGU, N. A . Lyapunov’s stability of unperturbed motion governed by complete ternary cubic differential systems of the Darboux type. In: ROMAI Journal, Romania, v.17, no.1 (2021), 2022, 115-123.
  40. DOVBUSH, P. V. Applications of Zalcman's Lemma in Cn. In: Cerejeiras, P., Reissig, M., Sabadini, I., Toft, J. (eds) Current Trends in Analysis, its Applications and Computation. In: Trends in Mathematics (Proceedings of the 12th ISAAC Congress, Aveiro, Portugal, 2019). Birkhäuser, Cham. 6774, (2022)
  41. ȘUBĂ, A. Centers of cubic differential systems with the multiple line at infinity. In: Materials of International Scientific Conference “Applied Mathematics and Information Technology” dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Information Technology of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, September 22 - 24, 2022, Chernivtsi, 92-95.
  42. KASHU, A.I. Morita contexts, preradicals and closure operators in modules. In: BASM, N 1 (98), 2022, 83-98.
  43. ARNAUTOV, V.I., ERMAKOVA, G.,N., Properties of coverings in lattices of ring topologies. In: BASM, 1(98), 2022, 66 – 74.
  44. HOROSH, G., MALYUTINA, N., SCERBACOVA, A., SHCHERBACOV, V. Identities and generalized derivatives of quasigroups. In: Computer Science Journal of Moldova, vol.30, no.2(89), 2022, 170-186.
  45. SHCHERBACOV, V., DEMIDOVA, V., RADILOV, P. Simple Stein medial quasigroups. In: Proceedings WIIS2022, Vladimir Andrunachievici Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science October 6-8, 2022, Chisinau, 167-171.
  46. SHCHERBACOV, V., SHVEDYUK, I., MALYUTINA, N., T-quasigroups with Stein 3-rd law. In: Proceedings WIIS2022, Vladimir Andrunachievici Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science October 6-8, 2022, Chisinau, p. 172-176.
  47. SHCHERBACOV, V. A . Schroder T-quasigroups, arXiv:2206.12844, 2022, 13 p.

Teze ale conferinţelor ştiinţifice

  1. LOZOVANU, D.; PICKL, S. Stationary Nash equilibria for average-discounted stochastic positional games. Abstract of GTA-2022 Conference, St. Petersburg State University, June 28–July 1, 2022.
  2. БУЗАТУ, Р. Моделирование пространственного разделения государства на администра-тивнотерриториальные единицы. Материалы 14го международного семинара “Дискретная математика и ее приложения “ имени академика О.Б. Лупанова, МГУ, Россия, 20-25 июня, 2022б с.3.
  3. CREȚU I., RUSU I. Some recommendations as a result of examining the technical condition of the buildings of major importance in the Ungheni city, Republic of Moldova. Abstract of Conference “Integrated Networks for Hazard Risk Management”, 13 July 2022, Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iaşi, România.
  4. SECRIERU G. Simulation of the interaction of real gas and walls with different initial temperatures. Abstracts of 29th conference on applied and industrial mathematics (CAIM 2022), ISBN 978-9975-81-074-6, pp 92-94. Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, August 25-28, 2022
  5. BUZATU, R. Convex covering problem of graphs resulting from some graph operations. Abstracts of 29th conference on applied and industrial mathematics (CAIM 2022) ), ISBN 978-9975-81-074-6, pp 92-94. Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, August 25-28, 2022-6, p 106.
  6. LOZOVANU, D. Average-discounted equilibria .for stochastic positional games. Abstracts of 29th conference on applied and industrial mathematics (CAIM 2022)), ISBN 978-9975-81-074-6,. Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, August 25-28, , p115-116, 2022.
  7. LAZARI, A. Perturbed homogeneous linear recurrent systems, Abstracts of 29th conference on applied and industrial mathematics (CAIM 2022) ), ISBN 978-9975-81-074-6,. Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, August 25-28, , p113-114, 2022.
  8. MITEV, L. Modelling performance characteristics for Polling models with semi-Markov switching and priorities. Abstracts of 29th conference on applied and industrial mathematics (CAIM 2022) ), ISBN 978-9975-81-074-6,. Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, August 25-28, , p116, 2022.
  9. SOLOMON,D. Optimization methods for min-max fractional problems. Abstracts of 29th conference on applied and industrial mathematics (CAIM 2022) ), ISBN 978-9975-81-074-6,. Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, August 25-28, , p119-120, 2022..
  10. ZAMORZAEVA, E.. On normal 3-isohedral spherical tilling for group series. Abstracts of 29th conference on applied and industrial mathematics (CAIM 2022) ), ISBN 978-9975-81-074-6,. Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, August 25-28, , p167, 2022.
  11. BUMBU T., BURTSEVA L., COJOCARU S., COLESNICOV A., MALAHOV L. Platform for Digitization of Heterogeneous Documents. In: The Book of Abstracts of the 29th Conference on Applied and Industrial mathematics dedicated to the Memory of Academician Mitrofan M. Choban, August, 25-27, 2022, pp. ISBN 978-9975-81-074-6
  12. S. COJOCARU, C.GAINDRIC, Some solutions for applications of Intelligent information systems in medicine. In: The Book of Abstracts of the 29th Conference on Applied and Industrial mathematics dedicated to the Memory of Academician Mitrofan M. Choban, August, 25-27, 2022, pp.174-175, ISBN 978-9975-81-074-6
  13. TITCHIEV, I.; CAFTANATOV, O.; IAMANDI, V.; TALAMBUTA, D.; CAGANOVSCHI, D. Marker-Based Augmented Reality approach used in learning geometry, In: The book of abstracts of the 29th conference on applied and industrial mathematics dedicated to the Memory of Academician Mitrofan M. Choban - CAIM 2022, August 25-27, 2022, Tiraspol State University, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, 181-182. ISBN 978-9975-81-074-6
  14. COLESNICOV A., MALAHOV L. On constructing a linguistic model of the Romanian language using geographically referenced dialect data. In: The Book of Abstracts of the 29th Conference on Applied and Industrial mathematics dedicated to the Memory of Academician Mitrofan M. Choban, August, 25-27, 2022, pp.
  15. PARAHONCO A., PETIC M. E-course: developing a model for content generation. In: Symposium on Logic and Artificial Intelligence, 12-16 January, 2022
  16. ȘUBĂ, A. Classification of cubic differential systems with a linear center and the line at infinity of maximal multiplicity. In: The Book of Abstracts of the 29th Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics (CAIM 2022) dedicated to the Memory of Academician Mitrofan M. Choban. Chișinău, August, 25-27, 2022, 74 -75.
  17. BUJAC, C., SCHLOMIUK, D., VULPE, N. Geometrical classification of a family of cubic systems. In: The Book of Abstracts of the 29th Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics (CAIM 2022) August 25 – 27, 2022, Chișinău.
  18. BUJAC, C., SCHLOMIUK, D., VULPE, N. On families QSL3 of quadratic systems with invariant lines of total multiplicity exactly 3. In: The Book of Abstracts of the 29th Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics (CAIM 2022) August 25 – 27, 2022, Chișinău.
  19. POPA, M. N., NEAGU, N. A . Stability problems of the unperturbed motion governed by the ternary differential system of Lyapunov-Darboux type with nonlinearities of degree four. In: The Book of Abstracts of the 29th Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics (CAIM) dedicated to the Memory of Acedemician Mitrofan M. Choban, August 25-27, 2022. Chișinău, Tiraspol State University, 63-66.
  20. DRYUMA, V.S., On the Killing vectors of 14- dim metric associated with the Navier-Stokes equations, International Conference on chaos and nonlinear dynamics. Hosted by the Georgia 11 Institute of Technology (USA), Dynamics Days 2022, January 7-8. In: Abstract, p.12
  21. DRYUMA, V.S. , The Killing properties of 12- dim metric related to the Navier-Stokes equations, International Conference Complex Analysis, Mathematical Physics and Nonlinear Equations, March 14-18, 2022, UFA, Bannoe Lake, Ferderal Research Centre, of Russian AS. In: Book of Abstracts, p. 31,
  22. DRYUMA, V. S., Geometric approach to the study Navier-Stosed equations, XX -Международная научная конфееренция по нелинейным уравнениям (Еругинские чтения -22), Материалы Международной конференции Новополоцк. 31 мая-03 июня 2022. В: Тезисы, часть 2. стр,106108.
  23. ДРЮМА, В.С. Геометрический подход к изучению системы уравнений Навье-Стокса, Международная конференция ”Лобачевские чтения”, 30 июня – 4 июля 2022 г., ICM’2022. В: Труды Математического центра имени Н.И. Лобачевского. Т.62 // Материалы Международной конференции ”Лобачевские чтения” – Казань: Изд-во КФУ, 2022. – Т.62. – p.39-41, УДК 510:512:514:517 ББК 22.1
  24. DRYUMA, V. S. Invariants of E. Cartan and their applications to the theory of differentialequations, In: The Book of Abstracts of the 29th Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics (CAIM 2022) August 25 – 27, 2022, Chișinău, 61-62.
  25. ДРЮМА, В.С. Пленарный доклад (onlyn), Thursday, August 25 , Plenary Session (Turin) Chair: R.G. Novikov, 12:10-13:00 “On geometric approach to the Navier-Stokes equations”, Восьмая международная конференция «Квазилинейные уравнения, обратные задачи и их приложения», Сочи, Образовательный центр «Сириус», гостиница «Омега Сириус» , 22 - 26 августа 2022.
  26. ДРЮМА, В.С. Тезисы доклада “On Geometry of six-din metric associated with the Navier-Stokes equations”, 19-20 декабря 2022 г. (понедельник-вторник) Институт океанологии им. П.П. Ширшова РАН, г. Москва, XXXI научная сессии Совета по нелинейной динамике.
  27. ДРЮМА, В.С. Тезисы доклада “On polynomial solutions of the Navier-Stokes and Euler equations”. International Conference Modern Achievements in Symmetries of Differential Equations (Symmetry 2022). December 13-16, 2022, Suranaree University of Technology, Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand.
  28. KASHU, A., JARDAN, I. Preradicals and closure operators in modules: comparative analysis and relations. In: The Book of Abstracts of the 29th Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics (CAIM 2022). August, 25-27, 2022. Chişinău, 139-141.
  29. ARNAUTOV, V.I., ERMAKOVA, G.,N., Properties of coverings in lattices of ring topologies, In: The Book of Abstracts of the 29th Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics (CAIM 2022), August, 25-27, 2022, Chişinău, 124-125.
  30. CHERNOV, V., DEMIDOVA, V., MALYUTINA, N., SHCHERBACOV, V., Groupoids of order three up to isomorphism. In: The Book of Abstracts of the 29th Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics (CAIM 2022), 25-27, 2022, Chisinau, 141-143.
  31. MALYUTINA, N., SHCHERBACOV, V. T-quasigroups with Schroder identity xy•yx = y. In: The Book of Abstracts of the 29th Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics (CAIM 2022), August, 25-27, 2022, Chisinau, 158-159.